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WTN: Four New DryCreekVnyd Wines...(short/boring)

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WTN: Four New DryCreekVnyd Wines...(short/boring)

by TomHill » Mon Nov 22, 2021 5:32 pm

Tasted these new DryCreekVnyd wines over the last few days:
1. DryCreekVnyds SauvBlanc Taylor'sVnyd/DryCreekVlly/SonoamCnty (Musque Clone; 468 cs; 14.1%) 2020: Med.light yellow color; strong SB/rather herbal light floral/muscatty/Musque rather perfumed bit stony/chalky/perfumed talc fairly attractive nose; fairly tart/tangy/slight metallic some stony/chalky/perfumed talc fairly herbal/SB slight muscatty bit pencilly/oak flavor; very long strong mineral/stony/chalky rather herbal/SB finish; a rather attractive minerally SB; not as intense, not as rich/lush; not nearly as muscatty/Musque, more chalky/mineral than previous versions; more akin to the regular DCV SB than the Musques of before; but still a pretty tasty SB. $28.00/$22.40 (VSP)
2. DryCreekVnyds TheMariness MeritageBlend DryCreekVlly/SonomaCnty (87% SauvBlanc/9% Muscadelle/4% Semillon; 13.5%; Aged: 7 mo. in Fr.oak/Acacia/Chestnut; Drk: 3-5 yrs; 480 cs) 2020: Light yellow color; fairly strong herbal/SB light pencilly/oak slight chalky/mineral bit Bdx-like pleasant nose; lightly tart fairly strong herbal/SB light mineral/chalky light pencilly/oak flavor; long lightly tartstrong herbal/SB light chalky light pencilly/oak finish; a lightweight herbal/SB w/ a bit of Bdx resemblance; a pleasant SB but just (barely) that. $35.00/$28.00 (VSP)
3. DryCreekVnyds Zin DCV9 Estate/Spencer'sHillVnyd/DryCreekVlly/SonomaCnty (14.6%; 916 cs; Drk: 7-10 yrs; 21% PetiteSirah) 2018: Dark color; strong ripe/blackberry/Zin/fairly spicy bit plummy/peppery/PS bigger/richer light pencilly/oak/vanilla almost RRV Zin bit dusty/OV fairly big/ripe nose; lightly tart some toasty/pencilly/oak strong blackberry/Zin/some spicy bit plummy/PS flavor w/ light tangy tannins; very long lightly tart strong blackberry/Zin/rather spicy some pencilly/oak finish w/ light tannins; the PS really comes thru & gives this Zin a lot of heft; some like the latest OV Zin but not the interest or complexity; qute a lovely Zin but just that & not that profound. $44.00/$35.20 (VSP)
4. DryCreekVnyds Zin DCV7 Estate/WallaceRanch/DryCreekVlly/SonomaCnty (Over 25 yrs old; Heritage clones; 392 cs; 14.5%; 3% PetiteSirah) 2019: Dark color; much brighter more DCVlly/raspberry/blackberry/fairly spicy more pure Zin fairly strong pencilly/oak bit more aromatic/high-toned nose; much tarter/brighter strong raspberry/DCVlly Zin/rather spicy some pencilly/oak slight dusty/OV lovely bit complex flavor w/ light smoother tannins; very long/lingering fairly bright/raspberry/DCVlly Zin/dusty/OV light pencilly/oak finish w/ light tannins; quite a lovely DCVlly Zin much like the Heritage but a bit more heft & weight. $44.00/$35.20 (VSP)
A wee BloodyPulpit:
1. Two very attractive Zins. The xtra PS gave the Spencer's a bit more of a clunky/ripe character. But the WallaceRanch was more quintessential DCVlly Zin. Neither the profundity of te Sommers or Beeson, my two favorite DCV Zins.

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