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WTN: Some Darren Delmore Pinot Noirs...(short/boring)

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WTN: Some Darren Delmore Pinot Noirs...(short/boring)

by TomHill » Mon Oct 09, 2023 5:30 pm

Darren Delmore was in town a week ago & we got his latest release. We tasted last week at Pig+Fig his new Pinots:
1. Delmore PinotNoir EdenRiftVnyd/CienegaVlly (13.4%; 2 brls; PasoRobles 2019: Dark color; very strong black cherry/PN/bit earthy slight jammy/SanBenitoCnty light toast/oak somewhat complex nose; fairly tart/tangy bit tight strong black cherry/PN some toasty/oak slight ripe/jammy bit complex flavor w/ modest soft tannins; very long ripe/black cherry finish that mirrors the flavor; a quite attractive ripe PN that can still probably benefit from a few more yrs. $34.00
2. Delmore PinotNoir BassiVnyd/SLO Coast (13.1%; Wild Frmtd; U) 2022: Med.dark color; strong black cherry/PN/spicy/ripe some c-c/peppery rather toasty/Fr.oak fairly complex qute lovely nose; quite tart/tangy some peppery/c-c strong black cherry/PN/rather spicy bit lean /tight classic c-c/P flavor w/ modest hard tannins; very long/lingering finish that mirrors the flavor; lots of c-c/Pinot character but still a bit on the lean/tight side and badly needs several yrs of age; should develop into a lovely PN with 3-5 yrs of age. $36.00
3. Delmore PinotNoir HumboldtCnty (13.2%; DryFarmed; U) 2022: Med.color; pleasant bit simple/juicy/cherry/PN some earthy slight toasty/pencilly/oak nose; fairly tart/tangy rather simple/pleasant cherry/juicy/PN bit toasty/oak flavor w/ light tannins; long juicy finish that mimics the flavor; a pleasant fairly drinkable PN that is a bit on the simple/unthrilling side; not a bad PN but just not very compelling. $36.00
More slithrbilk from TheBloodyPulpit:
1. Darren Delmore is, of course, the National marketing director for TablasCreek. He makes his wine down in TinCity, an industrial area on the south side of Paso that is growing home to a number of wineries & culinary adventures.
The Bassi Vnyd is in the Avila Vlly SW of the town of SanLuisObispo. It is within a mile of the Pacific & definitely cold climate. It is owned by Mike Sinor who also makes wine from those grapes. Darren also makes Syrah from that vnyd, which is my favorite of his wines.

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