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WTN: Three Dullard Whites...(short/boring)

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Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:01 pm

WTN: Three Dullard Whites...(short/boring)

by TomHill » Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:44 pm

Tried these three whites this weekend:
1. Pascal Janvier Cuvee du Silex AC: Jasnieres (13.5%; 100% CheninBlanc; KermitLynch/Berkeley) Pascal Janvier/Ruille/Loir 2020: Light gold color; light quiet CB/pear/floral slight chalky rather lightweight pleasant enough nose; lightly sweet (1%-2% R.S.) slightly tart/metallic light CB/pear/floral slight chalky/flinty flavor; med.short finish that mimics flavor; a pleasant enough expression of Loire CB but nothing more; a bit too sweet for my tastes; don't see it developing much; kinda dull. $26.00 (KK)
2. Serpentina Oseka/Protok WW Croatia (12.5%; Botique Wine Collection/Philadelphia/PA) Serpentina/Zlatan Otok/Coastal Croatia 2021: Pale yellow color; rather quiet/subdued lightly floral/dandelions slight herbal/fresh cut hay/grass slight earthy/flinty very low-key nose; bit soft lightly floral/dandelions/Kansas haymow slight earthy/flinty bit vapid/washed out flavor; short rather quiet/vapid finish that reflects the flavor; a rather vapid/watery white that sparks little interest; the Charles Shaw of Croatia. $17.00 (SFW&S)
3. Cascina Ca'Rossa Dd'OeG: Roero Arneis Merica (13%; 100% Arneis; Ribevi Wines/LaMesa/CA) Cascina Ca'Rossa/Ferrio Angelo/Canal e/Roero 2020: Pale yellow near colorless; lightly fragrant Arneis/floral/gardenias/pear slight mineral/stony rather quiet nose that only whispers Arneis; lightly tart/metallic light floral/Arneis/pear/slight spicy light mineral/stony rather quiet bordering on vapid flavor; med.short quiet Arneis/floral finish that mimics flavor; a very quiet expression of Arneis that is pushing too far into vapid territory. $22.00 (KK)
More dilettkrip from TheBloodyPulpit:
1. Jasnieres is a sub-zone of Coteaux du Loire. Devoted strictlt to CheninBlanc for whites.
2. Serpentina: Kind of a mystery wine. Can't find anything on the InterNet about this wnry in Croatia. Have no idea what the Oseka/Protok means, but not the name of the grape varieties used. The importer, Botique Wine Collection, doesn't even bother to list it on their WebSite. I had a Batic a week ago that was a decent, if rustic, expression of Zin/PlavacMali. So I was expecting more of this wine. Another wine crushed on the shoals of mediocrity.

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